Mastering Web Site Development
Microsoft Mastering Web Site Development (Microsoft) (1997).iso
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0, In Lab 5, you'll edit the Mascot page, the Links
4, page, the Profile page, and the home page of the
8, State University Web site. In Exercise 1, you will
11, create event procedures for the controls on the
14, Mascot page. You will write an event procedure to stop
18, the Java applet, that is the State University
21, mascot, start the applet, reverse the applet's
25, direction, and change the speed. In Exercise 2, you will
33, add client-side script to the mascot image on the
39, Links page to change both the State University
43, logo link and the main link. Notice that a new page
49, shows up in the image frame and the Mascot page
54, shows up in the main frame. In Exercise 3, you'll add
59, a profile form to the State University Web site.
66, The profile form requests information from the
69, users of the State University Web site, such as their
73, student ID, their name, and a major. The Major
82, control is a drop-down list box. You will add
86, client-side script to validate the information entered
90, on these controls. For example, the ID must be
94, numeric. In Exercise 4, which is an optional
99, exercise, you will use the Data Range Header and Data
102, Range Footer controls to read information from the
113, State University database and display the
116, appropriate classes in the pop-up menus on home page.
124, END